Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

I know Christmas isn't supposed to be all about the presents, but dude, I got LOOT!

My favorite gifts of the day were a pair of waffle earrings, a pair of submarine sandwich earrings, a scarf hanger, Jenga, the Sex and the City series box set, and a Magic 8 ball.

I know I'm a dork, but I'm a happy dork, so it's okay.

I also love giving gifts, so here are the gifts I'm most proud of this year:

A Pin Art Frame

This is a picture (ala Amazon.com) of the Pin Art toy I got for my 7-year-old brother. He had a ball with it, especially once he figured out he could use cookie cutters in it.

A USB Pet Rock

What better gift for a teenager connected to their laptop by a USB-powered umbilical cord? I love all things Think Geek, but this one may just take the cake.

The Bro Code

This was a last-minute gift for my roommate that ended up being a big hit, which means he will be getting The Playbook for his birthday.

A Mix CD

Not exactly glamorous, and more than a little old-school, I put together a mix CD for my roommate every Christmas. Two years ago it was a collection of Christmas songs, last year it was a bunch of goofy country songs I knew he loved, and this year he put in a request for the nineteen(!) songs you see listed above. Yes, he has very eclectic (read: somewhat questionable) taste, but that's okay.

 All in all, I had a very nice Christmas. I sufficiently survived the day at my parents' house and thoroughly enjoyed my evening at home with my roommate. How was your day?

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