Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Happy October!

Happy October!

Yes, I know I'm a day late, but October snuck up on me. Where has the year gone?

I thought it would be fun to kick off fall with a few of my autumn favorites. (and yes, I do know that the autumnal equinox came and went a week ago, but here in my neck of the woods, September is still summer, so this counts)

1. Apples!
 I was lucky enough to grow up near an orchard (and a cow pasture, and another orchard, and a strawberry patch, and some more cows), but that stroke of luck has its downside. I am now an apple snob. I'm still in the early stages of being an apple snob, of course, but I'm an apple snob nonetheless. Those puny red and green rocks they sell at the grocery store? Those aren't apples! A real apple is, like, THIS BIG. It should smell good. It should be juicy. It should also be picked on time and preferably not of the Red Delicious variety. Right now there are three different kinds of apples sitting in my kitchen, each with its own purpose, and I'm sure you'll be seeing much more of my appleing as the season goes on.

2. Baking!
As soon as it started to get chilly outside, I got the urge to bake. Pies, cookies, breads, I don't really care; I just want to smell yumminess wafting from my oven for a good hour or so. At least one (probably two) of the aforementioned apples in my kitchen will be going into a pie sometime very soon.

3. Sweaters!
Sweaters, to me, are the comfort food of the clothing world. When I've had a rough day and want to hunker down for the night, I put on a sweater. When I want to be a crazy person and run all over creation in a single day, I put on a sweater. When I want to look like a million bucks without looking like I'd CHARGE you a million bucks, I put on a sweater. In fact, I have withdrawals in the early weeks of summer because I miss the sweaters I boxed up and hid in the back of my closet. Nothing makes me happier than pulling those boxes back out in the fall and welcoming some cozy back into my wardrobe.

4. Leaves!
The fall foliage season here is short, but I get excited when the trees I pass on my way to work turn bright yellow, and when I find leaves stuck in my windshield wipers, and when I crunch walking through the yard, and...

5. Halloween!
Halloween should have a favorites list of its very own, but for now, it's going to camp out here on this one. The pumpkins, candy, costumes, and abounding cheesiness is irresistible. When else do you have the opportunity to  smash a green, warty witch into your mailbox without the neighbors saying a word? I'll tell you when: the same day you can put a skeleton wearing a top hat on your roof!

I hope you are all enjoying your fall so far. Feel free to leave your own fall favorites in the comments below!

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